Traveling to another country? Choose a link below to view country specific General FAQs.
United States General
- Am I able to earn rewards or frequent flyer miles for my rentals?
- Can I Rent a Car in the United States and Drive it into Canada?
- Can I Rent a Car in the United States and Drive it into Mexico?
- Can I add an additional driver to my rental?
- Can I take an Enterprise vehicle in the US one way?
- Do I need to refuel the vehicle before returning? Can I pre-pay for fuel?
- Do you offer any discounts or promotions?
- Does Enterprise Sell Vehicles
- Does Enterprise allow me to tow with or attach a hitch to the rental vehicle?
- Does Enterprise have a lost and found?
- Does Enterprise offer Unlimited Mileage on Car Rental?
- I want to return my car early, is there a penalty to do so?
- Is there an Enterprise app?
- Learn About Car Sales
- What if my flight is delayed?
- What is Enterprise Rent-A-Car’s safety recall policy?
- What is a car rental drop charge?
- What is an International Driving Permit?
- What is the Enterprise car rental scratch policy?
- What is your pet policy?
- What should I do if I get in an accident in a rental car?
- What should I do if my rental car breaks down?
- Will Enterprise pick me up?