Location Details
Enterprise Rent A Car
Warszawa, PL, 00-906
Our office is located in the arrivals hall of the airport terminal after duty free. To reach the parking lot, turn left when leaving the office and proceed directly to the nearest exit, located adjacent to Subway or Costa Coffee. Once outside, cross the street and turn left. Continue straight, pass under the bridge, and then turn right. Continue walking straight until you reach the entrance to the parking lot marked by the P34 sign, where the rental car companies are located. Your vehicle will be parked in a Alamo/Enterprise/National marked bay.
Wypożyczalnia samochodów na lotnisku w Warszawie to wygodne rozwiązanie dla osób, które cenią swobodne poruszanie się po mieście. Oferujemy przejrzyste warunki najmu, korzystne ceny oraz szerokim wyborem aut. W naszej flocie znajdziesz samochody różnych klas, dlatego z pewnością wybierzesz opcję dostosowaną do swoich potrzeb. Nasza oferta skierowana jest do klientów indywidualnych i biznesowych. Jeśli chodzi o okres wynajmu, możesz zdecydować się na najem krótko-, średnio- lub długoterminowy.
Co zyskujesz, decydując się na wynajem samochodów z lotniska w Warszawie?
To ile kosztuje wynajem samochodu z Okęcia, zależne jest od trzech czynników – czasu wynajmu samochodu, marki samochodu, a także programu, w którym jest wynajmowany. Dla naszych klientów przygotowaliśmy również całoroczną ofertę zniżek, która obowiązuje w każdym typie najmu samochodu. Co więcej, to Ty wybierasz miejsce odbioru i zwrotu auta. Z kolei członkowie klubu Enterprise mogą korzystać z darmowych przejazdów i personalizowanej oferty dla biznesu.
Lotnisko Warszawa-Okęcie, czyli lotnisko im. Chopina obsługuje loty rozkładowe, czarterowe oraz cargo. Jest to obecnie największy port lotniczy w Polsce. Leży on w odległości 8 km od centrum miasta, na ul. Żwirki i Wigury 1 w dzielnicy Włochy. Z lotniska można wjechać na ekspresową obwodnicę miasta drogą ekspresową S79. Okęcie obsługuje loty w różnych kierunkach i do lokalizacji na całym świecie.
Będąc na lotnisku Chopina w Warszawie warto udać się na taras widokowy, z którego można oglądać starty i lądowanie samolotów. Na terenie lotniska znajduje się również Galeria Lotniska Chopina z obrazami oraz fotografiami nawiązującymi do tematyki lotniczej. Nieopodal Okęcia znajduje się fort Zbaraż, który zimą jest doskonałą ślizgawką, z kolei latem jest chętnie uczęszczany przez wędkarzy. Kolejne ciekawe punkty to Instytut Lotnictwa oraz Biurowiec Polskich Linii Lot.
Warszawa, czyli miasto stołeczne Polski jest pełne ciekawych miejsc, które warto odwiedzić. Konieczna jest wizyta na Starym Mieście i w Zamku Królewskim. Nieodłączny punkt każdej wycieczki do Warszawy to znak rozpoznawczy stolicy – Pałac Kultury i Nauki. Warto udać się też na spacer do Łazienek. Inne istotne miejsca to Pałac w Wilanowie, Belweder, czy Cmentarz Powązkowski. Będąc w Warszawie dobrym pomysłem jest też obejrzenie Pałacu Prezydenckiego. Wielbiciele zakupów mogą udać się do centrum handlowego Złote Tarasy.
W Warszawie dbywają się liczne wydarzenia branżowe. Tutaj mieszczą się centra targowo-konferencyjne takie jak Ptak Warsaw Expo, Global Expo oraz Warszawskie Centrum Expo XXI. Imprezy czy pokazy targowe odbywają się również na Stadionie Narodowym, czyli na PGE Narodowy. Aby swobodnie poruszać się po stolicy, warto zdecydować się na skorzystanie z usług wypożyczalni samochodów na lotnisku w Warszawie. Dzięki temu, od razu po przylocie, wygodnie spakujesz bagaż i szybko dotrzesz w wybrane miejsce.
Nasza wypożyczalnia samochodów na Okęciu oferuje jedynie nowe i bezpieczne samochody. Ponadto wynajem samochodu z lotniska pozwala na oszczędność czasu, komfort i niezależność. Wszystkie formalność załatwiamy szybko i sprawnie. Skontaktuj się z nami i dowiedz się, co oferuje wypożyczalnia samochodów Enterprise
For each authorized additional driver, a charge of EUR 5.20 per day excluding VAT will be applied. Full rental conditions apply to all additional drivers.
After Hours Pickups - After hours service is available at this location with 4 hours minimum advance notice. Please call reservations at 4858 621 08 88 for further information. There is a fee of 36.90 EUR for after hours service. This fee includes VAT.
After Hours Returns - The keys with the documents can be left in a drop box located in our office.
The minimum age requirement for all vehicles is 21 except for the Luxury Elite SUV and the Special Coupe. A young driver fee of 8.00 EUR per day (incl. VAT) applies for all renters between the age of 21 and 24. Renters aged between 21 and 24 must also have held their driving license for a minimum of 1 year to rent Mini, Economy and Compact vehicles and a minimum of 2 years to rent Intermediate, Standard, Fullsize and Premium vehicles.
To rent the Luxury Elite SUV or Special Coupe all renters must be over the age of 25 and have held their driving license for a minimum of 2 years.
Vehicles can be driven in all European countries except Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine. A cross-border fee of 92.25 EUR per rental will apply for all authorized countries and territories. In all cases, customers must inform the rental branch of their intention to leave the country with the vehicle and will require an authorization. Unauthorized cross-border travel will result in a breach of contract and incur a penalty charge of 500 EUR. In the case of travel by the customer to any of the above mentioned countries, the customer shall be charged a contractual penalty of 2500 EUR.
Collision Damage Waiver/Theft Protection (CDW/TP) reduces the liability of the renter in the event of damage to the bodywork, theft or attempted theft of the vehicle. If CDW/TP is not included in the reservation, the renter has liability up to the full market value of the vehicle. CDW/TP is available for purchase if not included in the booking.
If included in the reservation, the excess amounts range between 600 EUR and 3500 EUR depending on car class. Excess will be charged every time a vehicle is damaged.
Before purchasing CDW/TP it is advised to determine, if personal coverage is adequate to cover damage, theft, loss of revenue, administration fees, diminishment of value, and any towing, storage or impound fees. If CDW/TP is declined, the renter will be required to pay these charges and seek compensation through their carrier of personal coverage. You must comply with all the rental terms and conditions to receive the benefits of CDW/TP. CDW/TP is not insurance.
If you wish to discuss or dispute any matters concerning damage to your rental vehicle, then please contact the Rental Company using the contact information below:
EMail: customerservice@enterprisecar.pl
Phone: +48 665 301 393
All rentals where the vehicle is not returned to the same location as pick-up will be subject to a one-way fee. Domestic and international one-way rentals are permitted to selected locations and must be pre-booked or authorized at the time of pick-up. The one-way fee varies based on car category, location and pick up date. The exact amount of the one-way fee will be displayed during the reservation process when entering the dates, desired route and car category.
Collision Damage Waiver/Super Collision Damage Waiver/Theft Protection Plus is a package of insurance products for customers who do not have basic Collision Damage Waiver and Theft Protection - CDWTP - included in their rates and exempts the customer from financial liability in cases of theft and/or damage to the rental vehicle. This coverage excludes fire damage cover but includes cover for damages to windshields, tires and/or rims, mirrors, undercarriage (including muffler and oil sump), interior (including boot), registration plates, wipers and car aerial.
All vehicles are supplied with a full tank. As a customer you have a choice of how you pay for fuel:
Option 1 - Prepay Fuel
This option allows the renter to pay for the tank of fuel at the time of rental and return the tank empty. No refunds will be issued for unused fuel.
Option 2 - We Refill
This option allows the renter to pay Enterprise at the end of the rental for fuel used but not replaced. The refueling charge is 3.00 EUR per litre (excl. VAT).
Option 3 - You Refill
This option allows the renter to return the vehicle with a full tank to avoid extra fuel charges.
All major credit cards are accepted. Debit cards and cash payments are not accepted. All cards presented must be in the renters name. A security deposit plus the estimated cost of the rental will be taken at the time of rental. For the car categories Mini to Standard a deposit of 500.00 EUR is required. Passenger and Commercial Vans, Luxury SUVs, Fullsize and Premium vehicles require a deposit of 950.00 EUR. The Luxury Elite vehicles and the Premium Electric vehicles require a deposit of 2500.00 EUR.
All information for the roadside provider is listed on the rental contract. Roadside assistance is available 24-7.
In case of damage, accident or damaged - lost keys a tow truck from the insurance company is called. If the customer cannot continue his trip with the rented car a replacement will be provided. A phone number of the insurance company 24-7 is given to the customer with the car documents. No fees are charged for roadside assistance in the case of damage or accident. If the customer damages-loses the car keys and in cases of driver negligence or violation of the rental agreement the rental car company will charge the customer for all costs.
In the case of the loss of car documentation, renters will be charged with the contractual penalty to the amount of 100 PLN -incl VAT and for the loss of the vehicle keys the penalty will range between 1000-3000 PLN - excl VAT.
All drivers must present a fully valid and unexpired driving license. All drivers must have held their license for at least 1 year. All renters must provide a physical form of valid photo ID such as a passport or government issued photo ID. A valid credit card in the renter's name must be presented upon collection of the vehicle. If the driving license is from North America, Caribbean, Latin America, Australia, Asia, Africa or Middle East, an International Driving Permit is also required. Renters with licenses from countries who are not part of the International Driving Permit Agreement should carry a certified translation which must be authorized by a public notary.
Supplementary Liability Protection - Third Party Liability is included in the rate and provides cover up to Euro 5,210,000 for bodily injury and or death to third parties and up to EUR 1,050,000 for damage to third party property.
For additional questions, please visit our main car rental FAQs page.